List of my favourite things
- Raindrops on roses
- Whiskers on kitten
- Brigh copper kettles
- Worm woolen mittens
List of things I find just OK
- White chocolate
- Khairun Akandi
- My wallet right now.
Most annoying TV celebraties
- Song Jongki
- Kim JongKook
- Meghan Trainor
- The Kardashians
- Miley Cyrus
Top Three things i can do today
- Think about the possible problems I can cause to someone.
- Watch the problems i created take place.
- Worry about the victims future.
Description List
- Coffee
- - black hot drink
- Milk
- - White cold drink
Nested List
- Dad's Interests
- football
- knitting
- Mom's interests
- hating football
- skydiving
- Favourite boys' name
- Ryan
- Mohammad
- Azim
- Favourite Girls' name
- Aqilah
- Siti Sarah
- Melissa
First font Size change
Some texts for your to make tiny!
Some texts for you to make normal size!
Some texts for you to make super big!
Changing the colors!
Big Heading
A giant bear & a little duck were friends.
But the bear got hungry and ate the duck.
- This item is big Arial
- This item is medium verdana
- This item is small impact
Set background color
Favourite Footbal Teams ¾
- The Hawthorn Football Club
- San Francisco 49 ers
- Barcelona FC